Saturday 8 May 2010

Hello, this is my first blog. Some of my blogs will be in English and some in Dutch. The main reason to start this blog is the fact that I want to inform you about the developments around the illness of my brother in law, Panormitis, who is married to my sister Hetty. 
About a month ago P. had a epitectic attack, and was transported first to Rhodos and later to Athens. They took an MRI-scan and later a spectography. On both of the scans something appeared that suggests a malignent form of braintumor. A date was set for an operation. But the scans were send to several neurosurgeons around the world. And one of them told us that there is a slight change that this is not a tumor, but some sort of a herpes. Now since it is protocol to give medicines against herpes P. has taken these medicines and if it is a herpes, an MRi-scan taken about a month after the first one should show that the 'tumor' has shrunk. So the operation is cancelled and another MRI-scan will be taken next tuesday may 11th 2010. If the tumor has not schrunk a new date will be scheduled for the operation.

In the last weeks a lot of thoughts and questions have come to our minds. What if P. comes out of the operation and needs a lot of care, is Athens than the right choice. And are the doctors in Athens good enough.  One friend even offered to pre-finance an operation in Munich. And than there is the possibility to move to Holland, and enter the Dutch care system.

It has been suggested, that the doctors in Athens are not good enough, but how can you tell. One person compared it with soccer players, the whole world knows Pele as the best soccer player, but that is because everybody has seen him play, has seen his actions, and has seen him score, so it is hard to deny that he is the best. 

But how do you find the best neurosurgeon. Are there statistics, how many times did a doctor perform this kind of operation,  how many times was he succesfull, and how do you measure succes anyways. 

The hospital in Athens has 3 neurosurgeons, we have been told that they are good doctors.
But the care after the operation seems to be less advanced than let's say in Holland. 

And also what is the best location for the family to live together. There are to daughters, Daphne is going to Maastricht for 2 years. And Sophia is on Patmos, she should be joined with here parents, maybe it is possible for Panormitis, Hetty and Sophia to still spend time on Patmos.

to be continued    


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