Saturday 5 June 2010

Just talked to Hetty.
Only one day after the operation, Panormitis is already back in his own Hospitalroom. He eats like crazy and is totally off his diet. Right now Hetty is getting him 2 qroquettes, a dutch treat he likes very much.

Tomorrow they will take off his bandage so that he can wash his hair. I would not be surprised if they will let him go out of the hospital by tuesday or wednesday. Than he can recover further at home.
Today an new MRI-scan has been made, that will be looked at by the docters tomorrow, than we will hear what the next steps will be.

will try to keep you all informed. It is very nice of you to comment on this blog, because Hetty and Panormitis will check it every day.


  1. Panormitis, Hetty!! Continuez sur cette route, il est merveilleux! Grâce à votre énergie, votre courage, l'amour de vos enfants, votre famille, vos amis!
    Et l'amour de tous vos amis ici pour Patmos, les prières de tous, qui passera de l'églises, de Evqngelismos, vers le ciel! À travers des kilomètres de toutes ces forces rassemblées fera le miracle de la guérison! Je me réjouis de vous voir et vos filles ensemble, dès à Patmos!
    Je vous embrasse de tout mon cœur, pola filakia! Paola. (De Sapsila)

  2. dear Panormitismu,
    we are all so happy about the last news and we are hanging on this blog since days to follow you in every single moments
    May our prayers reach you and all your beloved family
    with all our LOVE
    waiting for U to come back to "us"
